Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bad breath?

Nala must have been worried about having bad breath this morning.  I was gone w/ the kids for about 30 minutes...only to find this nice surprise in the front room when I got back:

She ate almost 2 full packs of gum, a couple of oreos, and whatever cereal was left in the cereal box. I thought I closed the pantry before I left...but I guess I should have checked again.

I don't know about you, but chewing just one piece of the 'Big Red' gum is enough for me...and she ATE the whole package (aluminum wrappers and all)...

I've given her some hydrogen peroxide (the vet told us to give her a 1/2 tsp so she'll throw it all up). She's outside right now and doesn't want to come in...
Let's just hope she has a good rest of the day and an even better night!
Gotta love our Nala!


Janice said...

oh no poor her, hope she doesnt get toooo sick lol. Oh makes me miss my dog :(

marshfam said...

That is hilarious! I was trying to talk Rob into getting a puppy for Austin to help keep watch over him at night, if he sees this post I don't think it will help my case. ha ha ha, love it!!

Claudia T said...

If you train your puppy when you first get it(which we didn't do), then you probably won't have as many 'issues' as Nala :)
She's the sweetest dog, but she just can't help herself when she smells something interesting...she has to find it, eat it, or destroy it!
She ended up not being sick from all the gum (so far). And all of saturday night she had the best 'cinnamon' breath!
It's true, I DO have 3 kids! LOL

Bethany said...

So funny that Janice says that makes her miss her dog. It makes me more firm in my decision not to get one. I can't keep up with life as is!

Joel said...

Mmmmmmmmmm. Big Red gum. . ..

And one day, Beth. One day. . .