Height- 21.75inches (she was 20.5 inches at birth)
Weight- 8lbs 2oz (she was 7.7 at birth and 7.5 last week)
Head circ- 35.5cm
She is growing well and slowly adjusting to life outside the womb. Jacob has become very loving towards her and will run to wherever she is when she cries. Randy and I are still zombies because of our lack of sleep, but we wouldn't trade it for anything!
My mom has been down here with us this week and will be here next week too. It's been fun seeing Jacob get to know his grandma Rojas, and it's been nice being able to take naps during the day while she watches the baby and Jacob naps.
Hanging out with Great Grandma Winegar on saturday
Hanging out with Grandma Rojas today after her doctor's appointment
She is growing good. I think that Noah all of the sudden stared really chucking up. I am excited to see what he is for his 2 month, in a month. She is so pretty! How fun that your mom is here. How long is she staying?
She is so beautiful!
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