Thursday, March 26, 2009

Funny kid!

I love this song!
I'm not sure how I feel about Jacob learning it, but it's still funny :) He was in a dancing mood all day that day. I guess it could be that he had eaten a handful of m&m's!


stephen&andrea said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this video he is so dang cute. i love the cool moves

Ferguson Family said...

He's a natural. I can't wait to see him on Dancing with the stars one day wearing one of those sparkly outfits. Cute stuff!

Joel said...


I was hoping to see him get real crazy at the "and now it's time for a breakdown" part.

Next time?

Tandi said...

That was so funny! What a cutey! I'm so glad you found us, now we can peek in to see how you guys are doing! love your blog you guys are such a wonderful family!